By custom, AHIKS members play a pair of games against each opponent, taking each side once. By playing a pair of games, the consequences of imperfections in the game balance are greatly reduced.
When a set of two games is finished or canceled, fill in the applicable parts of the AHIKS Match Assignment form and return it to the Rating Officer. Send the ICRK sheet if you are using one to your opponent so that he may verify any die rolls you have not yet sent him.
Sets are often terminated for one of the following reasons:
Achievement of victory conditions by one player, as set forth in the rules or agreed to by the opponents at the beginning of the game.
Resignation by one of the players in the belief that he cannot achieve victory.
Mutual agreement to terminate a match without determination of victory. NOTE: This results in no award of points under rating system (see Section 7).
Failure to respond on the part of one of the players (automatic victory for the other player). Resignation on the part of one player due to personal circumstances (automatic victory for the other player).