AHIKS By-Laws XII-XVI. Finances, Bylaws

A. All officers and members shall promptly forward to the Treasurer any funds collected by or on behalf of AHIKS by no later than the end of the month collected.

B. Budget.
1. The Executive Committee may change the following procedure by majority vote for the purpose of updating as required.
2. All expenditures of AHIKS Treasury Moneys require a majority approval of the Executive committee before being paid by the Treasurer, i.e. preapproval. However, recurring expenses only require approval once before the initial expense is paid. For the purposes of this subsection, the following applies:
a. Preapproval is defined as the executive committee authorizing the expense prior to the Treasurer reimbursing the member. Examples of expenses requiring preapproval include but are not limited to tournament awards, journalistic awards, shipping charges, travel expenses, and other items that might arise from time to time.
b. Recurring expenses may not require preapproval by the executive committee. Examples include but are not limited to annual webhosting fees, bank fees, printing and posting costs for newsletters, and postage costs for the Match Coordinator. However, recurring expenses shall be regularly reported to the Executive Committee by the Treasurer and may be subject to review, discussion, and adjustment.
3. No non-officer may incur a Society expense nor be reimbursed without prior approval of the Executive Committee when required.

C. Expense Reimbursement:
1. The procedure of reimbursement for Society related expenses is as follows:
a. After approval by the Executive Committee the officer incurs the expense, pays the expense out of pocket, and then submits a receipt for the expense to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
b. The officer must submit the expense proposal, wait for the Executive Committee to discuss and vote on it, and then wait for the reimbursement check after expending personal funds. Receipt for purchase or service must be submitted to the Treasurer to be accompanied by a short report of the results. If reimbursement of an expense claim may be questionable, obtain prior approval from the Executive Committee in writing before incurring the expense. Otherwise the reimbursement may be disallowed.
2. The reimbursement procedure is subject to these restrictions:
a. The reimbursement request must be accompanied by a receipt clearly stating the exact amount of the expenditure and its purpose. Exception: For postage expenses totaling $50.00 or less, the Treasurer may elect to accept a written and signed expense report or log from the officer involved, in lieu of receipts.
b. The expense must directly relate to the expected duties of the officer. If the expense claim is questionable, the Treasurer should forward the details to the Executive Committee for approval. If the questionable expense claim pertains to any member of the Executive Committee, that officer must excuse himself from voting on the measure.
3. No funds will be distributed in advance of the expense without prior approval of the Executive Committee under Section rules above.

A. These bylaws may be amended by the following procedure:
1. Any member in good standing may propose an amendment to these bylaws.
a. This proposal shall detail in specific terms which section of the bylaws is to be changed and the precise wording to be changed or substituted.
b. It will contain an explanation of why the submitter feels the amendment is needed and what effect its adoption will have on the Society.
2. The proposed amendment is submitted to any member of the Executive Committee who must place the proposal before the entire Executive Committee unless the proposal is being submitted/offered by a member of the Executive Committee (it will then be submitted/offered directly to the Executive Committee by that Officer).

B. Amendments and/or changes to the bylaws can be made by majority vote of the Executive Committee. Updated bylaws will be posted on the website as they occur

A. When a question arises about how a particular section of these bylaws is to be interpreted, a majority vote of the Executive Committee shall decide the matter.
1. The interpretation question must be placed before the Executive Committee by a member of the Executive Committee.
2. Procedure: the interpretation question is handled in the same manner as any other matter placed before the Executive Committee. This will be done by majority vote on any resolution.

A. These bylaws cannot anticipate every conceivable situation which might occur in the future. Occasionally, situations may arise not covered by these bylaws or where strict adherence to these bylaws would have a damaging effect on the Society as a whole. In such situations, the Executive Committee, by majority vote of the members casting “Yea” or “Nay” votes may waive a specific provision of these bylaws, subject to the following restrictions: The situation in question should be temporary in duration and non-recurring.

A. Upon approval by a majority of members returning votes by the specified deadline, these bylaws will supersede and render void any and all previous bylaws or Constitutions of AHIKS. B. If approved, these bylaws will become effective upon certification of the vote by the Executive Committee.